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Camosciata delle Alpi

Named so, due to their uncanny resemblance to Chamois, the camosciata goat is tawny in colour with varying brown shades boasting a striking black stripe along the length of their spine with matching black boots.
Originating from the Swiss Alpine goat, they produce well both in the mountains and plain, with a good endurance of both hot and cold climates.

They are a great milk producer, naturally high in protein and fat, ideal for the production of our products. 

They love living at BioBruni knowing that they are the glory of the farm as the whole dairy process begins with them! 



Organic passion.







dairy lab

We love goats & their milk too

We believe in artisanal produce.  With milk direct from our happy goats to our on-site dairy lab. Our team prepare and pack by hand, ensuring attention to quality and every detail which make our products truly unique.

 It is our promise that every product from milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese and butter are produced here on the same farm where our goats graze the fields.


Our milk is processed daily to guarantee freshness, bringing only the best taste for our loyal customers to enjoy.

If you would like to know more about our products and where to find them 

contact us



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Why choose goat's milk?

Compared to cow's milk, goat's milk has a higher content of calories and fats (4% against 3.5% of high quality cow's milk), but of "good" fats, including the precious CLA (acids conjugated linoleics), with anticarcinogenic action, and short and medium chain fatty acids, with a less negative impact on cholesterol; moreover, the much smaller fat globules make it more digestible and bioavailable from a nutritional point of view.


Always compared to cow's milk, goat's milk has more calcium and phosphorus, and has a slightly higher content of proteins, but of a different nature and with a lower presence of a casein, alpha s1 casein, which often generates intestinal irritation. and allergic reactions. For this reason goat milk and its derivatives are a valid alternative to cow's milk products.

BioBruni awarded by Gambero Rosso for the best goat yogurt in Italy

organic goat's yogurt

"Their whole goat's milk yogurt (with added probiotics) is a genuine and highly successful expression of laudable intentions and good practices. Bright ivory color. Smooth and supple texture. Great balance between acidity and sweetness. Its fresh, lively and clean aromatic profile proves even more multifaceted in the mouth, where sweet, acidic, youthful lactic notes are accompanied by fruity sensations, hints of hay and pasture."

BioBruni awarded by Gambero Rosso for the best goat butter in Italy

organic goat's butter

Un prodotto particolare che unisce la tipica nota selvatica alla leggerezza e all'eleganza di un latte che per sua natura ha una struttura dei grassi che lo rendono più digeribile. Di un bianco candido e luminoso, ha l'aspetto di neve lisciata, confezionato in un astuccio di cartoncino come una saponetta pregiata. Il profilo aromatico è molto interessante, con la caratteristica punta ircina presente e persistente, richiami al pascolo e sfumature di nocciola tostata. Tessitura morbida, soffice, setosa e scioglievole, che promette grandi cose in pasticceria.

BioBruni awarded by Gambero Rosso for the best goat kefir in Italy

Organic goat's kefir

Il kefir BioBruni è molto caratterizzato dalla capra: nella grassezza contenuta, nella struttura molto fluida come gelatina liquida e nel profilo aromatico, con i rimandi all'animale e ai formaggi caprini. Il gusto è intenso, dolce e con una particolare nota minerale e salmastra. L'acidità c'è, soprattutto quella lattica e acetica. Contenute la persistenza e la frizzantezza.

"I believe I was born to protect nature, 

I hold it within my heart. 

I can only work and 

live this way" 

- Osvaldo Bruni -

Anchor 1
biobruni, goats, farm, dairy, organic, italy holiday, samuele bruni, lisa bruni
biobruni, goats, farm, dairy, organic, italy holiday, samuele bruni, lisa bruni

The Future

What's next for BioBruni

We have a great passion for what we do here at BioBruni. We are embarking on a challenge to create a sustainable future by combining honoured past traditions and implementing modern farming and production to the mix. Using our current experiences, Sam has completed many successful years within esteemed UK food businesses with the last being YeoValley Farm, the leading yogurt manufacturer in England; and Lisa carries a portfolio of International business experience as well as consulting within the sustainability sector.


“Our ambition is to grow a sustainable business for the years ahead, not just for us, but for the generations to come. We hope BioBruni will be an example of how an organic farm can make a difference in modern society, an example for others to follow”.

- Samuele Bruni -

Rendicontazione dei contributi pubblici ricevuti nell’anno 2020

(Ex Legge 124 del 2017)

2020 Banca del Mediocredito  Fondo di Garanzia PMI 25,000€

2020 Agenzia delle Entrate D.L 34/2020 art.24 disposizioni in materia di IRAP- stralcio saldo 2019 e primo 2020 IRAP 14,943.00€

2020 A.R.P.E.A Somma annuale contributi azienda agricola 14,460.00€

Il progetto ha ricevuto l’aiuto pubblico ai sensi del PSR Regione Piemonte 2014-2020, in particolare al Bando D.D. 12/10/2021 n. 873/A1700A/2021, Misura 4.1.1 – Miglioramento del rendimento globale e della sostenibilità delle aziende agricole

Titolo del progetto: implementazione dell'attrezzatura per la caseificazione di qualità

Descrizione del progetto: L’obiettivo del progetto è a di arricchire la dotazione strumentale del caseificio aziendale al fine di renderla più competitiva ed in grado di sostenere la domanda con una maggiore offerta, qualificandola ancora di più e dotando la struttura di sistemi di sicurezza al fine di evitare che black out elettrici possano danneggiare la produzione

Costo complessivo: 79.905,93 Euro

Contributo pubblico: 31.962,37 Euro

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